Secure Accommodation and Discharge of Care Orders

- 14th March 2025
Venue: Virtual online via Teams
Time: 10am- 4pm
Cost: – see below
To book your space please complete the booking form below
Aims and objectives:
- To provide an overview of the law on Secure Accommodation and Discharge of Care Orders
- To provide an overview of the legal processes and the evidence required to support applications for a secure accommodation order or a discharge of the care order
- Understand what factors and evidence practitioners should consider in relation applications.
- Understand the impact of Human Rights on decision making
- Understand the need for robust care plans
- Understand the court process and the role of the social worker in court proceedings.
AM – Secure Accommodation Orders
- Overview of Legal framework and case law – Secure Accommodation Orders
- S.25 Children Act and The Children (Secure Accommodation) Regulations 1991.
- Interaction with Human Rights
- Factors to consider before making an application
- Can the 72 hour rule be applied
- Criteria for a secure accommodation order
- Legal process including the role of the child within the proceedings.
- Need for a robust care plan
- Duration of a secure accommodation order
- Case law update
- Resources
PM – Discharge of a Care Order
- Care order and LA’s exercise of powers does it give to the local authority.
- Parental Responsibility – LA -v- parents
- Factors to consider prior to making an application
- When a child is placed with a connected person
- When a child is placed with a parent
- Who can make the application?
- Need for a robust care plan
- LA’s responsibility post discharge of the care order.
- Case law update
- Resources
Who should attend:
Suitable for social workers, managers, Children Guardians, IROs and anyone who wants to understand the legal framework and processes.
£150 plus VAT
To book your space please complete the booking form below
We can deliver this training virtually or face to face.
Please contact us to discuss your specific training needs
Group booking discounts are available.
If you are interested in this course or similar training, please contact us