Advance court skills Level 2

As social care professionals, you may have to go to court, either as an expert witness or to support your client.

Does the mere thought of going to court make you fearful because:

  • you do not know what may be expected of you,
  • you may not know what to say or when to say it,
  • you may not know who else will be at court,
  • you may not know how to address the Judges,
  • you may not know what the court etiquette, formality or protocol is. Or even simply
  • what not to wear

All these and many more of your questions will be answered at this essential training.

Attendance at this training will prepare you so that you can approach the court experience with confidence and perform your role as a witness effectively and robustly.

What the training covers:

To re-create a courtroom setting and provide social workers with the experience of being questioned in court and give guidance in terms of the presentation of oral evidence.

The overall aim of the training is to support participants in attending court as robust and confident witnesses on behalf of the local authority.

  • This training is advanced to the training on Court Skills Level 1. This training is for participants who want to enhance their courtroom skills in dealing with giving evidence in court.
  • To prepare participants to survive cross examination within a mock courtroom 
  • The training will demonstrate the different styles that the participants can experience when cross examined and ways that they can face the cross examination with confidence.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the importance of robust evidence and how it assists in Court
  • Develop skills in the key points of presenting evidence clearly and credibly.
  • Understand the practical strategies in presenting evidence in a mock court room environment.
  • Understand the nature and purpose of cross examination and develop an understanding of the skills needed in presenting credible evidence, including under cross-examination.
  • Understand how to deal with body language and present as a robust and impressive LA witness.
  • Gain confidence in the presentation of evidence and experience cross examination in a mock court room setting.
  • Gain an understanding of how to answer difficult questions in court.
  • Identify potential dilemmas and challenges for social workers when undertaking court work.
  • Understand ways to access support before, during and after court hearings.

Who should attend:

Anyone who may be required to attend court including social care professionals, ISWs, Guardians, managers, health & educational professionals, and managers.

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